Please quit the primitive behaviour

How low can the PN go? They send a letter wishing a happy birthday, and in the same sentence say that on his birthday he should send a donation to Simon Busuttil’s political party.
That party’s finished, it’s the lowest they could ever go.

maltese nationalist party begging for donations on birthdays

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PN Meeting Naxxar

daphne caruana galizia pn daphne caruana galizia

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February 24, 2013 · 23:01

Austin Gatt – a totally incompetent Minister for I.T.

How shameful. The Minister responsible for (wait for it!)….  Information Technology doesn’t know that the date of an email changes according to the regional settings of the operating system of the computer it is printed from!

Put more simply, I can copy my emails from my computer, put them on a pen drive, or hard-disk or whatever. Travel to China and find a computer using Windows in Chinese. When I’d print that email the body of the email will remain in its original language but the date would show up in Chinese. Even if that email is dated 2004 (or 1998 or whatever).
And about the ‘Ġ’. Honestly Mr. Minister… if you squint a bit you might see the dot above the letter. Granted the photograph is very noisy and of low quality, but the dot is there.

Compare the ‘G’ in ‘George’ and the one in ‘Ġunju’ in the images below and it becomes very clear.











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Gonzi and Simon Busuttil – PN’s Freedom of Speech

Incredible. I don’t know this page or whether its creator sympathises with the PL or not, but come on please. Why report pages on facebook just because they might favour some political party? Nice “Christian Democratic” example (sic).


It’s PL.

Report it to Facebook.

Let’s take it down.



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PM of Malta Lawrence Gonzi 5 days before the Arab Spring

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Not much of a choice isn’t it?

Ara biex qed jippruvaw ifottu.


GonziPN on or whatever. As if anybody would click on that website.


They’ve put an advert on FACEBOOK.


Of all places. I wish the “sahhara tal-Bidnija” saw this. Probably she did, but she had no choice except to ignore it. Heqq, m’hix ser iddardar l-ilma li tixrob minnu! U tghidx m’hix ser taqa’ fil-bassezzi li tikkwota l-facebook?!? She only prayed vehemently to her hoofed god to let it all pass by without anyone noticing!


Il-hasra li l-Gvern stess ta’ GonziPN qed jitfa’ dan ir-racanc. Mhux talli qed jitfghu fuq facebook imma talli qed ihallas lill-istess facebook biex jippublikah bhala advert.



U leeeeeeeee………. tal-biki!!!!!!!!!

Plagiarising an author’s “shades of grey”. And paying FACEBOOK for an advert for GonziPN?

And justifying it by photoshopping a tie in a blue colour. Who is paying for this advert actually? We wonder………

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Daphne Caruana Galizia goes for jealous woman-gossip, right after Muscat-Gonzi on Xarabank and Franco Debono on Affari Taghna.

The title states nothing new. But this is rich coming from DCG: spouting a series of blogs just right after Gonzi’s encounter with Joseph Muscat on TVM, and Franco Debono being hosted on One TV during Affari Taghna at the same time.

Any mention of what Franco Debono said? No.

Any mention of what Joseph Muscat said? No.

Any mention of what Lawrence Gonzi said? No. (And here’s where it gets weirder and weirder).

So what was the topic of the blog of running-diarrhoea-bile this time?
– Drumroll –

You won’t believe this.
Unless you’re an avid DCG reader.

Marlene Mizzi’s physical appearance.


Yes I facepalm for the extremely poor photo-shopping attempt made on Ms. Mizzi (The photo shown here is the REAL Ms. Mizzi not the photoshopped one from Daphne Caruana Galizia’s blog).

DCG tried to deviate her PN-sheep by not uttering a word on what happened during Xarabank or Affari Taghna.  Obviously so, because there was nothing she could find to denigrate. Gonzi left a very bad impression.

So she went into ‘random mode’ and got a (very untrained) person to photoshop Marlene Mizzi into looking “fat and evil” and blogged twice and trice and more on how she (Daphne) was leaning on the table of the drinks bar and fell down…..  And obviously she illustrates further that it had been Ms Marlene Mizzi who forced her down….. *sigh* Because she can’t just blog that she was drunken-blind, as is normal for her every night when she blogs 13 times in a night between 11 pm and 5 am.

Obviously she can’t blog that Ms Marlene Mizzi is short (as she usually tries to do with the rest of PL sympathisers), since Ms Mizzi towers over Daphne’s “towering 5’6” (poor old lady she thinks she’s a tall person at 5ft 6 lol) , is much slimmer and of a much more beautiful and fair complexion .

Oh, the pity of it Daphne, do you suggest we determine a person’s capability of running the country by the size of his or her back or upper-arms now?

If that were so, Lawrence Gonzi would fail miserably!

DCG should have given her past couple of blogs  the title of “il-par idejn sodi ta’ Marlene”.

While placing a disclaimer of course – that of herself being drunk at the bar. If she fell, she shouldn’t blame others. Put the blame on your own drunk stinky-alcoholic self. Twerp.

Now laugh at the feeble attempt of photoshopping of Ms Marlene Mizzi.

Just check her right hand to see the most obvious photoshopping evidence. See how her dress gets at a very weird angle there…..

And check out the rest…..

Daphne Caruana Galizia does photoshop

Daphne Caruana Galizia does photoshop

Vera tal-biki. Jew tad-dahk? Ma nafx!

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Who did Daphne vote in 1987?

Michael Vella (tal-liftijiet) is Daphne’s father. (at 0:40 seconds, the bald man with large glasses)

No, Daphne’s family didn’t trust Eddie Fenech Adami in 1987.

Michael Vella, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s father, formed another political party, not Farfett or Spiru Sant, but Partit Demokratiku Malti or PDM.

They didn’t want EFA in Government, one wonders why?

Michael Vella tal-Liftijiet, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s father, contesting the 1987 election not with the PN under Eddie Fenech Adami but with ‘Partit Demokratiku Malti’.

How many first-count votes did Michael Vella, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s father, get in 1987 when contesting the election against Eddie Fenech Adami and the PN?

I wonder when ‘PDM’ was dissolved. I never heard of them. Have you?

I also wonder if it was a case of “if you can’t beat them, join them”.

And finally, why not PN and EFA? Why did Daphne Caruana Galizia’s father set up his own political party and not contest the elections with the PN and Eddie Fenech Adami?


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Daphne Caruana Galizia’s pride and prejudice

Look, they photo-shopped a double chin on me, those cheap lejber elves aaaaaa!!!!

Look, they photo-shopped a double chin on me, those cheap lejber elves aaaaaa!!!!

She didn’t even notice that her double-chin wasn’t photo-shopped at all but only accentuated by having Lawrence Gonzi’s left shoulder in front of it!

Quoting Daphne:

And of course, to ratchet up the idiocy quotient, they take one of the most publicly available photographs of me off the photographer George Scintilla’s website, without his permission, and tack on an amateur Photoshop double chin like one of those fake beards we used to buy at the Magic Shop as children – ma jmurx xi hadd jghid ‘kemm ghandha ghonqa twil u sabih Defni, se nivvota PN ghax ghandi a neck fetish u dawk tal-Labour msieken kollha bla ghonq bhal Joseph u Kert Farrugia.

Imagine even being jealous of a neck, for crying out loud.

I have a neck and they don’t, and we can’t have that can we, because it goes against socialist principles and unfortunately necks don’t fall within the Karl Marx guidelines for redistribution of wealth.

Poor old girl, she was so horrified seeing her face  splashed out on billboards throughout the country that she couldn’t accept her photo being real and started stamping her feet and throwing a tantrum yelling that her face was purposely photo-shopped to look even uglier with a double chin! So much for convent school-girl mentality.

Dear Daphne, rest assured that photo-shopping your face to make you look uglier was the last thing on the mind of the designers of that billboard.

Unlike you, normal people don’t give a shit on how you or other people look physically. It’s character, good-nature, sincerity and respect for others –  especially respect for people who have a different opinion which counts.  And as regards your internal ugliness and murky hatred-filled character, not even the Good Lord would be able to photo-shop that out!

(And by the way, no you don’t have a neck. Your minuscule chin just fades down to your chest. Now if you would call that a neck I might say that I just grew boobs).

I also wonder how come you constantly criticise the receding hair-lines of PL members. They’re men. One expects their hairline to recede. On the other hand……….

Sigh, and please learn Maltese if you want to write it. It’s ghonqha not ghonqa.

Where has the hair on her temples gone?

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What has Gonzi done? Created 2,000 jobs? Or was it 20,000 or 200,000? Whatever it was, it was very funny. Sarcasm par excellence!



Meta tela’ EFA fil-gvern fl-1987 hadd ma ppretenda li konna se mmorru lura ghaz-zminijiet ta’ Gorg Borg Olivier fejn in-nisa ma kellhomx vot, meta il-fatt li tkun omosesswali kien reat u kont tispicca l-habs, u fejn il-Knisja kienet tichad l-assoluzzjoni lill-Laburisti u sahansitra tidfinhom go mizbla, u meta n-nisa kienu mhallsa inqas mill-irgiel u mgieghla jitilqu mix-xoghol malli jizzewgu. Meta ghax KMB ried li l-iskejjel tal-Knisja jkunu mhallsa mill-gvern flok mill-poplu (kif ghadhom sal-gurnata mqaddsa tal-lum!) qam kjass shih! Dan biex ma nsemmux ukoll il-qtil makabru ta’ Karin Grech (li EFA ftahar li jaf min wettqu u fl-istess nifs kien qal fl-2008 li Alfred Sant ma halliex lil ibnu jidhol l-universita’ u wehel ma nafx kemm il-elf multa talli gideb), ta’ Raymond Cardona, tat-tfigh tal-balavostri waqt meeting tal-PL. Dejjem vjolenza kontu. Qabel kienet vjolenza fizika , issa vjolenza morali bis-sahha ta’ nies bhal Daphne Caruana Galizia. Mela sewwa, ghax Joseph Grima esprima opinjoni fejn maqdar opinjoni ta haddiehor jinholoq skandlu. Dan jibqa allavolja is-sur Grima irrizenja. Tapprofittaw ruhhkom. Imbaghad ghandkom lil Daphne, li mhux biss tesprimi opinjoni imma tikteb blogs oxxeni fejn tghid li lesta tbul fuq oqbra u tifrah bl-imwiet ta’ persuni li kienu parti mill-partit laburista fis-sebghinijiet. … . 40 sena ilu . … . Madoffi din kif kellha dil-mibgheda mindu kellha xi ghaxar snin? Jew vera kaz mediku jew imhallsa bil-kbir biex lesta tivvinta daqsekk!
Issa ghalfejn qeghdin tghidu li kieku kellu jitla PL gdid immexxi miz-zghazagh fl-2013 se mmorru lura ghas-sebghinijiet? EFA hekk ghamel fl-1987? Mar lura fl-1960’s ta’ Gorg Borg Olivier? Ghalfejn qed tassumu li Gvern Laburista Gdid se jmexxi kollox 40 sena lura?? Ghalfejn din il-politika ta’ twerwir? Tahsbu li l-poplu Malti hu daqshekk injorant li jemminkom? Qabel forsi.. . . imma issa?
Mhux ahjar taraw x’intom taghmlu bhala partit bhalissa u kif qed tmexxu l-pajjiz? Mela jigi Tonio Fenech u jipprova jitfa’ l-akkuza fuq il-PL biex isolvi l-problemi finanzjarji tal-pajjiz?? Mela mhux kapaci jmexxi l-finanzi tal-Gvern wahdu? Jrid l-ghajnuna tal-PL issa? Tafu li intom qeghdin fil-gvern, jew le?
Mela jigi Joe Cassar u jittallab jistaqsi dwar kif Joseph Muscat bi hsiebu jmexxi l-Isptar? Jaf l-Onor. Joe Cassar li HUWA hu l-Ministru responsabbli ghas-sahha? Jew forsi nesa?

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Daphne Caruana Galizia two weights (GonziPN) two measures (PL)

This is NOT photoshopped

Is it breaking news if I write that DCG is a hypocrite?

Of course it isn’t!

DCG (rightly so) campaigns in favour of treating everybody equally. What’s wrong with her warped line of reasoning is that she restricts this argument to only where irregular immigrants are concerned (specifically those of a different skin colour). In fact, she regularly uses her poison pen to denigrate and insult the Romanian wife of one of Labour’s candidates by referring to her as a “mail order bride”. Now this fine lady is a qualified pharmacist if you please. Needless to say, she is also incomparable regarding style, education and general manners to DCG! (Note that I didn’t even dare mention ‘beauty’!)

Also DCG writes blatantly that she doesn’t consider Labour voters as her equal. She consistently writes that they’re a savage violent lot, with a low IQ and who don’t know how to read and write Hello, who’s been in charge of the Education Ministry for the past 25 years?. Also who’s been governing the entire country for the past 25 years? Isn’t a bit rich to describe half the population as such, considering that the majority of them were raised under a PN government?

She writes that PL supporters are hamalli. Now this is really rich coming from her. I’m enclosing a screenshot of her blog so you see for yourselves.

Pay special attention to the last paragraph:


Her latest line of attack is to track down PL supporters on facebook and put their photos, details, place of work etc on her blog. Their crime? Saying that they don’t agree with her. The sole aim is to try to get them in trouble at their work-place. A side-ways attempt of trying to shut up somebody by indirect threats to one’s income and one’s livelihood. (Freedom of speech anyone?)

In her warped mind she doesn’t even realise that the plethora of facebook groups created in her honour (!) and all the people posting their disgust are just doing so because they don’t agree with her. No, in her psychopathic and paranoid mind she shouts “Freedom of Speech!” as if somebody is preventing her from writing her blog. This is really funny. Well it would be, weren’t it the fruit of the heavily disturbed mind of a paranoid psychopath.



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Giving due credit to Daphne Caruana Galizia

In my previous blog I illustrated how she fits perfectly into the description of psychopath.

Well, it’s only fair to say that she’s very cunning as well.

Dom Mintoff was PM till 1981. That’s around the time when Daphne first got pregnant in her teens. Five years later Eddie Fenech Adami became PM.

And allow me to digress – what about the 2 major upheavals which happened during Labour administration ie free church schools and the reason of the doctors’ strike which was to have new graduates work at the state hospital for 2 years? Blood was shed during those upheavals. Many children whose parents were Labour sympathisers found themselves expelled from school.

1987 came and did Eddie Fenech Adami do anything about it?
Doctors are still to-date bound to work for 2 years at the state hospital. And church schools are still free. This is more than 30 years later. How come no strikes or protests occurred when the PN came in power in 1987? After all it wasn’t it the PN who was vehemently against these ideas and who organised those protests? I’d have expected otherwise, considering all the hullabaloo those times! Weird isn’t it?

Well, back on topic. DCG is cunning. She waited and waited. Then threw on the public, viewable world-wide (gosh I wish she hadn’t wrote it in English, would have spared us some international embarrassment!) blogs denigrating Dom Mintoff and his soul, barely an hour following his demise. And she’s keeping at it notwithstanding the body hasn’t been buried yet.

Her aim was perfectly achieved though. Hence the reason I give her credit for cunningness.

She caught PL supporters at their most vulnerable moment – the moment of mourning.

Mourning is that period where emotions are mixed and people are most susceptible. Some might feel love, and happiness for the soul who is now in a better place unencumbered by the frail and ailing body. Others might feel anger for death taking away our loved ones. Yet others would be engulfed in sorrow. Whatever one’s feelings, he’d always be at his most vulnerable at times of demise.

The last thought on anybody’s mind would be bad wishes for the deceased person. It’s hard enough to deal with the loss.

So yes, I give Daphne credit where it’s due. She timed her blogs perfectly to hit where it hurt most, and to get the most dramatic reactions possible to her obscenities.

And she succeeded and is gloating about them now. PSYCHOPATH that she is.


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Callous psychopath

Callous psychopath were the first words which sprang to mind when I read Daphne Caruana Galizia’s writing yesterday  , her response to the demise of Dom Mintoff aged 96, ex-Prime Minister of Malta.

BBC news describe him as “Known for his fiery rhetoric, he was a key figure in his country’s politics for almost half a century, becoming a supporter of its independence from Britain and overseeing its switch to a republic, and was involved in a protracted struggle to reduce the influence of the Catholic Church in Malta.” For more than half of the Maltese population, he’ll remain known as “Is-Salvatur ta’ Malta”. Malta’s saviour.

Certainly what Mrs Caruana Galizia wrote is not the product of a mind in full control of its senses.

Who in his or her right mind, would write such venom barely one hour after the decease of a person, a human being? I’m sure Mr Mintoff wouldn’t be giving a damn about her and her insults, he’s in a happy place now, unencumbered by his frail and ailing body. But what about his loved ones? His daughters, relatives, friends? And the many people who respect him and hold him in high regard? Shouldn’t they have been left to mourn in peace without word going all over the internet on how a mentally deranged overweight psychopathic menopausal with a face like a horse is cracking open her champagne and ‘celebrating’ his death as being the best birthday present she ever got?

Makes me wonder what type of presents she normally receives on her birthdays, this being the best one.

Rightly so, many replied to her blog. Unfortunately most of the replies were ones of hurt retaliation where they wished her worse than she wished on Dom Mintoff in the first place. She uploaded those comments with glee, following up with her own replies, in bold font, correcting typing errors, gloating on how hamalli people supporting Mintoff were, and even guessing the area where they live, ironically mentioning Arcipielku or however it’s written – an area which consisted of poor people living in despicable conditions and which Dom Mintoff himself rehabilitated it to one of the nicest and most picturesque places in the Maltese Islands!

But quite persistent were those replies saying “But Daphne, what did he do to you for you to hate him so much?”
Needless to say, these went unanswered. Unless they forgot the comma and hence got told off to learn English (sic!)

Here’s a classic example of her condescending, holier-than-thou attitude:

[Daphne – It’s Daphne, with a flat A and not an e, as in ‘cat’, which you probably pronounce ‘ket’ anyway.]

[Daphne – You are beyond redemption. The tragedy is that people like you have a vote, and if there are more of you than there are of anyone else, you get to decide who runs the country. If anyone doubted that formal education can only do so much with poor genetic material and to mitigate the influence of the home, all they have to do is read through the trash on this comments-board.]

[Daphne – Le, qalbi. Turi li qatt ma qrajt xejn li ktibt. Imma nissoponi li int tiblaghhom wahda sew – ostji, irrid nghid, u mhux xi hag’ ohra.]

[Daphne – Yes, I know. Don’t forget for one minute that I grew up in a Malta run by violent turds like you. I never thought you went away. You just raised the next generation. L-aqwa li jisimna Dale, bhal l-Inglizi li tant nobghodu. Effing freaks.]

A comment by a certain Pierre Fiorentino:

Daphne you need help believe me, psychiatric help I mean. You are truly sick. Maybe one day you will regret that you have made such comments.

[Daphne – Never. The only thing I regret is not being able to use on the internet the litany of pejoratives I have been using in speech all evening.]

About Maltese emigrants:

[Daphne – Yes, Frank, I know that you emigrated to Australia and that you’re a Mintoffian, because you told me. Not that you needed to, because practically all the Maltese who emigrated there were Mintoffians. And that can only be a good thing, because imagine if you’d all stayed here. The frigging bastard would still be prime minister.]

About Dom Mintoff and his supporters:

[Daphne – Well, what do you expect. These people are scum of the earth too. That’s why they like him so much.]

[Daphne – These are not arguments, anon, which is why I don’t bother with them. Condescension? Perhaps you think I should treat these people as my equals. They are clearly not and they know it, which is the root cause of their malice and frustration. Grammar is my particular interest.]

About Dom Mintoff’s relatives:

[Daphne – I don’t give a monkey’s cuss in hell if they are “passing through sad times”, just as they didn’t give a cuss in hell and lived as far away as possible when their bastard father made other people’s lives a misery back home in Malta.]

The very language and venom made me throw up a little in my mouth.

What’s disturbing is that her line of defence is all in the name of freedom of expression.

Excuse me, since when does freedom of expression mean that you can insult a deceased person by wishing him to rot in hell, and increase the sorrow already suffered by mourning friends and relatives? Since when does freedom of expression mean that one can publicise on the internet that certain people do not deserve to be treated as equals? (Hint, Norman Lowell, you have a point you can use as defence here!)Certainly Daphne isn’t the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to fundamental rights and freedom. She says she’s not religious, but for heaven’s sake even atheists have some kind of moral code – knowing of what’s right and wrong. There’s no need to be Catholic or even religious to have an inkling of morality, an inkling of how human beings behave in a civil manner. But then what would you expect, she couldn’t even raise her sons properly, with one of them trafficking drugs in the vicinity of a school!

Almost funny is how when she couldn’t criticise grammar, spelling or reply to the actual argument, she’d post telling the commenter to contact Dr Franco Debono and giving out his personal mobile number! Oh my, oh my the extent a sick mind goes down the drain! She wrote down his mobile number at least 4 or 5 times in her bold font replies. Is that freedom of expression as well? I wonder.

What word describes the kind of person who has no morals?

Psychopath is the word you’re looking for. Psychopathy is defined as having no regard for the rights or feelings of others, it is a personality disorder in psychology. When a psychopath is confronted, he or she will blame the victim or somebody else.


AP Psychology.
What’s even sicker is that not before long she’ll be gloating at the amount of hits on her website. Just the same way she did when not long ago the deceased was in hospital and she posted a similar blog saying how she’d crack open champagne and get ready to piss on his grave.. Her sick mind is all after fame. Even if it’s of the wrong kind. She already started in the same blog saying how she just approved 200 replies and still has more than 300 pending. Perhaps it’s to get a better deal with her sponsor School-girl mentality of the extreme warped version. Definitely sad to see on a woman pushing her 50’s.


Filed under Uncategorized – a blog to look forward to.

No. 1 blog for subtlety, sarcasm, and on a more serious note, the truth of what’s going on behind the scenes of Maltese Politics.


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Vincent Farrugia, ABC, DCG, JB etc…who would you believe now?

So one fine day a person by the name of Sandro Chetcuti got accused of the attempted homicide of another person by the name of Vincent Farrugia.

Some months later, somehow and somewhat, the charge of “murder” had to be amended to one of “attempted bodily harm”. So far so good.

Even more months later when the trial actually started, the alleged victim Vincent Farrugia (a PN candidate and also Director General of the General Retailers and Traders Union (GRTU)) asked that the court views all the private messages on his mobile phone by demanding that the SIM card of his phone gets exhibited in court.

The defence lawyer quite intelligently countered the argument by saying that hence ALL phone messages should be available to the court, even those inside the memory of the phone and not just those inside the SIM card.

As a result, Vincent Farrugia’s phone got confiscated.

And here are the messages found in his phone. I publish these thanks to the newspaper MaltaToday, with all messages wholly reproduced spelling mistakes and all. No other newspaper had the guts to publish them:

Vincent Farrugia to Jean-Karl (his son and also the lawyer defending him):
Jan I’m thinking it’s better that I set the ball rolling u nixhed l-ewwel jien ghax I’m worried the others are mixing up and they are not saying that he was screaming at me “noqtlok, noqtlok as he was hitting me. And can’t belie they did not hear him” what do you think? Talk to Kris u fil-kas talk to Prosection toi call me first.”

What went on between Vincent Farrugia (left) and Philip Fenech (right):

GRTU vice-president Philip Fenech to GRTU President Vincent Farrugia:“No you wont I have the commissioner on our side he helped all the way called me about 4 times… The AC told me they are very strong and credible now I hope the doctors report is to..I will guide them what to be careful for when testifying and Manwels ways ! Leave it all to me the police will be helping us..luckelly we have very honest ones of the few left..I worked with them so I am home.”

Vincent Farrugia to Philip Fenech:
“Philip check with Jean if Sandro is in fact in Kordin.This morning he ordered Manwel Mallia toi make sure he does not sleep at Kordin.So money probably is already moving. If he did not tel Mario to pass on to Daphne. We must watch moves on a day by day. The pig must roast!”
Fenech confirmed that the message concerned GRTU official Mario Debono, whom the defence has established as having been a middleman to provide fodder for Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia’s blogs targeting Sandro Chetcuti. 

Philip Fenech to Vincent Farrugia:
Yes I am aware of all this..I am impressed how street wise you are..I have over 35years of night life sitting on the balcony seeing all these moves come out at the bar while they are on alcohol! Do not worry I am focused on this I have all the commissioners help and  Abraham..he will have to watch out on his corrupted people..cause they do anything for money hence all the drugs in there ! The director is strong on principle..the guy that killed himself inside was given a strong order of detention by him for causing trouble. I still have to work out how his father in law will act because I think he is still on the prison board!!
Abraham Zammit is the acting director for Corradino Prisons.

Philip Fenech to Vincent Farrugia:
And never underestimate Sandro. The flood of silly comments on are all organised but read Lou Bondi Sunday Times tomorrow. I still did not give them a photo. The trial will start soon they’l have enough then. Noel and Herman shoed me there piece and our lawyers vetted them. Better like this. Hope DCG MA TAFFIGIEX.

Vincent Farrugia to Philip Fenech:
And The comments must be organised as Lou, Noel and Matthew Vella [ editor] all told me messages of sympathy keep pouring in and out there hardly anyone says a good word for him. And I’ve been inundated with messages.anyway the trial hasn’t even started. Inti also keep Joe warm. Din it-tfajla/sinjura li ghandu gdida tafha? She a smart chick BOV divorsee.

Vincent Farrugia to Philip Fenech:
Ok he told me. Talk to Guido as he has influence on Manwel Mallia. Tell him how serious this was. Tell him how he is treathening people dwar meta jitla il-labour.

Philip Fenech to Vincent Farrugia:
Ok will do..just hope Gwido will remain here till the end when we can talk.

 In previous sittings, SMS messages sent out by GRTU director-general Vince Farrugia in the wake of his assault show he was in contact with Mario Debono, asking him to influence Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia to undermine his aggressor Sandro Chetcuti in her blog.

Daphne Caruana Galizia and Andrew Borg Cardona have insisted up to this day that there’s no hidden hand which commands them what they write (even though they mostly do a copy/paste of each other’s blogs).

Weirdly enough though, it’s nearly 2 days past these news and neither DCG nor ABC have retaliated stamping their feet saying that those sms’s aren’t portraying the truth.

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Dear Richard….Regards, Lawrence

Disclaimer: lest I be accused of plagiarism, this is a parody of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s blogged post. The original is quoted at the end of this blog post.

Ghaziz Richard, qed inwiegbek wara l-ikla kirxa li gawdejna flimkien….

Lawrence Gonzi’s total lack of breeding screams out from the letter he sent to Richard Cachia Caruana accepting his resignation.

And I’m not talking only about the content, or the gesture itself.

What gets me most is that it begins ‘Ghaziz Richard’ (Dear Richard) and ends ‘Inselli ghalik u ghal familja tieghek, Lawrence’ (Best regards to you and your family, Lawrence).

What a klutz.

Who brought him up? And how can he possibly have lived for 60 years and became Prime Minister without acquiring the knowledge that formal letters demand formal language?

Was Richard Cachia Caruana’s resignation letter addressed to ‘Dear Lawrence’ and signed off ‘Regards, Richard’? No, it was not.

Moreover, he has no clue of written etiquette, which should be given priority especially when the author is the Prime Minister of the country . Assuming both parties have a reasonable grasp of either language, one should reply using the language of the original letter.

Lawrence Gonzi ignored not only protocol but even basic etiquette, and replied to Richard Cachia Caruana’s letter (which was appropriately addressed to “The Prime Minister” and not to “Dear Lawrence) by using the Maltese equivalent of “Dear Richard” i.e. “Ghaziz Richard”.

People like Lawrence Gonzi bring everything to the level of ridicule, not least themselves.
Click on the picture below for a larger version.

DCG: two weights, two measures.

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PL Billboards were never illegal.

Madame Justice Anna Felice this morning ruled in favour of the Labour Party’s “fundamental right” to pass on its message as a political party through billboards.

The PL had a filed a request to prevent Transport Malta from removing political billboards depicting Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi with his eyes shut, covering his ears.

Arguing that Labour had not filed an application for the billboards to be installed, Transport Malta had wanted to remove the structure. The authority also argued that the billboards were distracting.

But according to Felice, the billboards hadn’t been erected illegally and argued that it was the fundamental right of every political party to pass on its message, as guaranteed by the Constitution and the European Conventions.

“At first glance, the Court has not been presented with any valid reason to believe that the billboards go against requirements defined in Maltese law. It is for this reason that the Courts cannot consider the billboards to have been illegally placed in terms of the mentioned Art. 9,” the Court ruled.

In a reaction the Labour Party said that the billboards were annoying the Prime Minister: “We are now in a situation were state authorities are being used to stop the criticism we raise.”

The PL added that it would continue to pass on its political message according to law with any medium. It also condemned government for making use of authorities to stop the party from exercising its fundamental right of expression.

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PN executive condemns Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Mugliett and Franco Debono

Seriously, does GonziPN believe that the entire Maltese population is composed of idiots?

Why all the hullabaloo about government backbenchers’ votes? Isn’t this a democratic country any more? Why threatening dissenting voters of having to “face the consequences”?

Alfred Sant never raised such hell when just one backbencher threatened government, by voting not to make the minister of justice resign, neither to have an ambassador who was abusing his powers to resign. In 1998 Alfred Sant  was man enough, and had the political balls to decide that for the good of the country, for the good of businesses and employment it was far better to have a government focused on the issues of the country rather than one which might spend years pondering partisan issues. And general elections were called just because the government wanted to improve Cottonera and designate it as a yacht marina. Those times, the PN opposition disagreed whole-heartedly, saying that by doing so the Labour Government was going to ruin Cottonera. The motion went forward. The PN pushed forward the motion for the Cottonera embellishment and the rest is history.

Nonetheless, as soon as the PN was in government, it all was like nothing had ever happened. And Cottonera got converted to a Yacht Marina within a couple of months. So much for consistency. They flushed down the drain all that they got from Dom Mintoff.

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The youngest Prime Minister of Malta




It’s shameful hearing such speech from Dr Lawrence Gonzi.
Vera mohh ta’ tigiega.

The youngest Prime Minister of Malta was Sir Ugo Mifsud, who became Prime Minister at the age of 35 in 1924. Apparently the current PM needs to brush up either  his history or his math: Dr Joseph Muscat was born in 1974 and that makes him 38 now, not 34 Dr Gonzi.

Lawrence Gonzi can lie for all he likes, but change historic past events? Never. No matter how hard he tries.

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Malta. a.k.a. North Korea. Just shut up and work for GonziPN. Or else.

Mela sewwa, fil-50 sena li hija hajja din il-bniedma DCG Alla jbierek qatt ma rat xejn hazin f’Dr Emmanuel Mallia. Pero issa ghax Dr Mallia ghazel PL, gie ddemonizzat. Tiddeskrivieh bhala “a sleazy criminal lawyer”. Qisu HU l-kriminal u mhux il-klijent. Jew ahjar nghidu, ma sabitx f’hiex tiddemonizzah ghalhekk qed tivvinta stejjer fuqu, fuq martu u fuq it-tliet uliedu (m’iniex ser nidhol fid-dettalji hawnhekk ghax vera skifuzi l-affarijiet li qalet fuq il-familja Mallia u onestament niddizgusta ruhhi nirrepetihom).

Ejjew nassumu li din ilha splogger minn mindu kellha 20 (ma nafx pero li hu maghruf zgur hu li ghaddiet minn teenage pregnancy miskina, u ta’ 19 kellha tizzewweg ragel 10 snin akbar minnha). Imma dak mhux il-punt. Anki fuq JPO, qatt ma qalet kelma kontrih. Lanqas fil-kwistjoni tal-Mistra. Sakemm ma offriex kritika kostruttiva lil GonziPN u gieghel lil PN jghaddi ligi (tad-divorzju) li Lawrence Gonzi kien totalment kontra. Ehh issa JPO miskin qed jigi deskritt bhala ribell u maverick.

L-istess haga – Franco Debono ilu membru parlamentari mil-2003. Qatt inkiteb xi haga kontrih jew li twaqqghu ghaz-zufjett minn ambaxxatrici tal-partit tieghu stess, bhal dil-hamallagni prima klassi t’hawn taht? Il-klikka ta’ GonziPN kollha kemm huma qed jattakkaw il-karattru u personalita’ ta Dr Franco Debono. Illum. Pero ma nahsibx li il-karattru ta Dr Debono inbidel mil-lejl ghan-nhar minn ftit xhur ilu? Ghax ma jammettux li ma jistghux ghaliha li bniedem minn ta’ gewwa jurihom fejn vera marru zmerc? Dak hu li ghamlu Dr JPO u Dr FD. Mhux sew li jpattuha qares talli fethu ghajnejn il-partit.

Rigward Luciano Busuttil l-istess, blogg wara l-iehor tizzuffjetta bl-isem tad-dar tieghu. Ovvjament ghax ma sabet xejn aktar ma x’hiex taqbad. Pero’ mbaghad tkompli billi ssemmi lil uliedu u l-iskola fejn jattendu. Halli jigu ttimbrati u bbuljati ghax hekk taf kif tipprova ssikket lil missierhom. Tal-misthija! L-istess haga kif ghamlet fuq mart u ulied Dr Emmanuel Mallia.

Hija vera hasra li hadd mill-GonziPN apologists indunaw li kull ma sar kien ghall-gid tal-partit taghhom stess. Daru fuqhom, u talli fethu ghajnejn GonziPN issa qed jippruvaw ikissruhom.

Imbghad ighajru lill-PL li jekk jitla’ se jmexxi l-pajjiz bhal ma kien jaghmel Kim Jong Il.

U le…

Pacenzja nafu li fl-ahhar il-qarnita ddur ghal subghajha, imma hawnhekk din il-qarnita ghandha xi virus li qed jattakkalha mohhha..

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Our Prime Minister, Dr Franco Debono

Dr Lawrence Gonzi will go down in Maltese history as a puppet PM led by the nose.
We all know why bulls have nose-rings and it isn’t because Dr Gonzi resembles a bull (far from it!) but because Franco Debono has successfully snapped a virtual nose-ring on him, months ago.

Pulling it will hurt so much that even a fierce bull would subdue and follow.

It’s clear  that Franco Debono always meant business. He wants to remain in power in order to effect the legislative changes which are priorities. Good for him, he’s entitled to his own opinion as to what’s a priority and what’s not. After all, he isn’t asking for anything outrageous but only for the introduction of  laws which have been in force in other EU member states for a long time, which incidentally is one of the reasons why I can’t understand all the hate and storms in teacups created every time he spoke. He won’t get the legislative changes he’s fighting for if he topples the government, so it goes without saying that he will never do so. He’s a clever guy.

But there’s the  “or else” factor  looming like a dark cloud over GonziPN meaning that Franco will be getting his way. All the time. Whether Lawrence Gonzi wants or not. And hello, isn’t Lawrence Gonzi supposed to be the Prime Minister?
What’s surprising to many is why Lawrence Gonzi chooses to remain in this very embarrassing position. Embarrassing for himself personally, embarrassing for himself as Prime Minister and embarrassing Malta. He’s in a hole, he’s holding the spade, and instead of filling it up he’s in he’s obeying orders and digging even deeper. Lawrence Gonzi and his minions appear all the more stupid for ostracising and demonising Franco Debono and his family to boot. Come on, it’s not as if this MP is petitioning to legalise hard drugs or abortion! Daphne Cachia Caruana Galizia even went to the extent of using the word ‘whore’ to describe – wait for it – Dr Debono’s mother of all people! Well, it’s not surprising coming from her, but doesn’t the Prime Minister realise that condoning such insults make him appear even more nauseating than DCG?

[Before DCG pipes up saying that anyone wants her to stop writing, NO. Please continue. I like hearing your opinion. What’s immoral is attacking and demonising private people in your blog, like the parents, girlfriends, children, cousins or any friends or relatives of public personas with the aim of bullying these people and hence force  the public person in question to “shut up”from expressing his opinion  or else their innocent friends and relatives will get bullied mercilessly on the internet in public for anybody to search and read even years from now. Actually, for the PL’s sake you should keep on justifying the means to achieve your ends and continue the irrational bullying. Do not worry, it won’t put the PN in bad light for condoning you! Ha-ha!]

Is it possible that Lawrence Gonzi isn’t realising all of this? Or perhaps he is too much of a wimp to stand up for himself?  That would be amazing. Not even Alfred Sant stooped so embarrassingly low but chose dignity over power after only 22 months as Prime Minister!
It makes more sense suspecting that there might have been somebody else more powerful than Franco Debono who got hold of the bull first. And who got hold of it from the testicles.  The idea of being forced gives a better sense of respect and security than that of seeing one’s own PM as a spineless wimp clung to remain in office at all cost.

The longer the PN clings to  power, the more painfully evident the Franco Debono factor becomes,  the deeper Lawrence Gonzi will dig his hole and the greater the PL victory will follow afterwards.
Hence it makes no sense assuming that the PL might have an interest or advantage were elections called now or within less than a year’s time. If any, the later the better.

The PL has been in opposition since 1987 now. That’s 25 years bar 22 months 16 years ago when the government then also had a one seat majority, a back-bencher disagreed with a Cottonera project (good for him since he was entitled to his opinion), then the PN in opposition agreed with this back-bencher that it was outrageous for Cottonera be sacrificed in such hideous manner (hey, is it just me or is there a sense of deja’ vu here?) and Dr Alfred Sant, not wanting to go down in history as being a puppet PM let by the nose called for general elections. That’s where the deja’ vu ends. Even more so since once in power guess what went first on the PN’s agenda ? Yes. That same ‘hideous’  Cottonera project they had voted against while on the opposition benches. Talk about principles. Their only aim was to bring down the government of the day,  Cottonera my ass. Unbelievable hypocrisy.

I have to take my hat off to Franco Debono for proving himself to be not only more clever than the Prime Minister but even cleverer than the bottoms heating up the seats of parliament on GonziPN’s side.

No wonder Lawrence Gonzi can’t even function as Prime Minister and is searching for people online to replace him a day at a time, giving an iPad as a reward!


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A potential prime minister should be judged by his looks

Perhaps any further comment would be superfluous.

Let’s agree with Daphne (with the flat ‘a’) for once, who wrote an entire splog saying how a future PM needs to have, using her own erm, words, ‘sax appeal’.

What’s more, she insists that a male in his 30’s is unfit to be a prime minister because, wait for it, he’s middle-aged!

Sometimes I wish I don’t live on this planet anymore.


[click on any of the following pictures to enlarge them]

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Alice Vella = Daphne Caruana Galizia? You decide.

What do you think? Obviously all the photos on that profile are fakes. Unless she dyes her hair every other day and also gets a tan and manages to remove it every other day. Plus every photo’s got different facial features.


It’s not the first time that I asked a person on facebook whether she was who I thought she was, or whether I knew her someplace, and but I never had anybody reiterating in such obnoxious and unfriendly manner! If she was for real I’d have wondered if this girl was thinking that I was going to stalk her or attack her or whatever.. instead of just asking a simple question!

She’s taking her time to answer now. A LOT of her time to answer…


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“It’s Bouquet, for heaven’s sake. BOUQUET!” And Daphne with a flat ‘A’. Just SAY it. Please DO mention my name!

I see a certain similarity between Daphne Caruana Galizia and Franco Debono.

They both think they’re in the limelight. That they’re the hot-topic of the day. The only problem there is that Dr Debono is, and quite justifiably, but DCG? Oh please.

Daphne’s (pronounce that with a flat ‘A’) latest obsession is that everybody in the media is talking and referring to her continually. She’s just so frustrated that nobody’s mentioning her name. And guess why? Because all the news reporters, bloggers and opinion writers on the island can’t figure out how to pronounce the flat ‘A’ in her name.

As if her flat ‘A’ needs to be written differently…

Paranoia anyone?

And this is the very worst bit: my first name has a flat ‘a’, a vowel sound which doesn’t exist in Maltese and which is unpronounceable by people who grew up speaking only that language. Vowel sounds are learned only in childhood or never at all. The most you can hope for after childhood is a close approximation.

They never say my name because they can’t pronounce it and they know I will laugh at them.

Oh what a terrible humiliation, having Daphne (with the flat ‘A’) laugh at you because you didn’t pronounce her name correctly! (sic)

Excuse me ma’m, if you’re so sure that your name is unpronounceable by any local person then deal with it!

Better go and learn how to pronounce the latest trending names yourself, rather than blogging about how “stupid” names like Byron, Cleavon, Gail, Jamie and Lyon and various other mainstream British and foreign names sound in the language you barely half-learned to speak and comprehend.

Let’s hear you speak one day. Rather than poking fun at Dr Yana Mintoff for her foreign accent notwithstanding her great command of the Maltese language. We’re terribly eager to see you on TV – even if it’s GonziPlus or XaraPaNk – explaining how your name should be pronounced and correcting Dr Yana’s foreign accent.

The only other person we ever heard of having your same issue was Mrs. Bucket who insisted on having her surname pronounced as Bouquet. And thankfully she wasn’t for real but a fictitional character from BBC comedies.

We have fun reading your blog Mrs. Bouquet. Especially where you start insisting fervently that you are not of menopausal age and you are not middle-aged.
And in the same sentence you refer to people in their 30’s as middle-aged.
As long as they’re not PN activists or supporters.
We’ve never heard you describe people like Wayne Hewitt as middle-aged, balding, or for using hair gel to try to . We wonder why?

We also never heard you make fun of the Hewitt family because a good half of them can’t write their last name properly. Log into your facebook alias and check out for yourself. Half his family writes their surname as Hewitt and the other half write it down as Hewett.

Do your research properly Daphne (with the flat ‘A’) before you blurt out your splogs and describe people in their early and mid-30’s as ‘middle aged’:

According to the current edition of the Oxford English Dictionary middle age is: “The period of life between young adulthood and old age, now usually regarded as between about forty-five and sixty.

You can’t bend the facts, no matter how much you wish to.

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Il-vera HOPELESS from

Perfect article. Thanks DCG!


Kijjp it app, sabiha… (sic!)

I’ve received another email from Kurt and the Coconuts. “Garanzija għaż-Żgħażagħ – Tagħlim Taħriġ Xogħol”. Oh, so now I’m not menopausal or post-menopausal and hysterical.

Now I’m classified as Żgħażagħ.

“Matul dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat il-Partit Laburista poġġa l-edukazzjoni fuq quddiem nett tal-aġenda,” it begins. Fantastic, I said. That’s long, eh? Imagine that: a political party which has prioritised education for as long as the last few weeks. Amazing.

Damn shame they haven’t been prioritising education for the last 40 years. But I suppose we should be grateful they started thinking about it a few weeks ago at least. Things are looking up.

But I must say they need to get to grips with their public relations machine. The email includes a link to a YouTube video “bid-diskors ta’ Joseph” and mini interviews with others. The problem is that you can hear only Joseph, while the others open and shut their mouths silently like fishes in a bowl, while the music plays on.

Jahasra. How low can you go to have no choice other than to put up this video to attempt to belittle the political party you hate so much? The PL must be thanking you for the publicity!


“Wara l-eta’ ta sittax-il sena, gvern Laburista jaghti garanzija li l-persuna tkun jew fit-taghlim, jew fit-tahrig, jew fix-xoghol”.

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Alice Vella ‘likes’ Rosianne Cutajar


She started ‘liking’ the new mayor of Qormi since, March 2012. What a coincidence!

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April 30, 2012 · 00:00

Of excuses and justifications, and pornography.

No one can deny that we’ve currently got an entirely messy situation in parliament. A “froġa” par excellence.

What’s interesting are the excuses and justifications brought forward by various people regarding why this happened.

The PL are saying that it’s due to general discomfort created by cabinet ministers and the leading personas within the PN itself, irritating several backbenchers – basically all those who are only expected to keep their parliamentary seat warm and vote with the government. And they are righteously irritated because they’re constantly being told to keep their mouths shut and not dare criticise anything concerning GonziPN. Or else.

Let us not forget the un-named backbencher who spoke with Saviour Balzan and told him that he’d have joined Franco Debono himself but was forced to keep a low profile and his mouth shut tight since he’s got a wife and children! Smells of mafia-like pressure here!

The PN cabinet ministers and Lawrence Gonzi went all out against Dr Franco Debono initially, to the extent of even accusing him of mental instability. Then when they realised that their position wasn’t going to help to keep them in power till the end of the legislature they went all sweet and diplomatic with Debono, taking him out to meals, meeting him in secret, and all the works.

Since blaming everything on Franco Debono was counter-productive, GonziPN had to find another scapegoat. And fast. So all abruptly the PN decided to blame the loss of their one-seat majority in parliament resulting in government instability on Joseph Muscat and the PL. Since no feasible explanation on how this might have occurred could be found, they keep repeating ad nauseam that it’s the PL’s fault, even going to extreme measures like spreading the false news that the PL is encouraging North Korea to conduct nuclear tests! Pull the other one Dr Gonzi! By now I’m ready to bet my meagre bank savings that the next step would be spreading the rumour that if elected in government, Joseph Muscat would start World War III. Let’s wait and see.

But the funniest part remains, as always, DCG’s blog. She’s always the winner there. The party machinery have told her to quit attacking Franco Debono and embellishing her blog posts by posting a picture of a cock whenever she mentioned him. Strangely enough DCG has never as yet thrown the blame on the PL for destabilising GonziPN. She threw all her ire and vomit on Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando with no less than 7 or 8 blogs about him and his lovely partner and their private life in the last 48 hours. Suddenly Dr Pullicino Orlando is a traitor, because his partner of 10 years votes labour, she insists. Very incoherently since she fails to explain why he wasn’t a “traitor” in 2006, or in 2008. Or in 2003. Even though he had the same partner way back then. She never attacked him of being a traitor when he was married with Dr Marlene Pullicino, a PL member of parliament, and that had been since….. 20 years ago?

It’s really damn hard to try to follow the weird reasoning of a crazy menopausal woman (any volunteers care to come forward please?) But it can be entertaining on lazy weekends.

Even funnier was how Alice Vella (who as most of you know is DCG under a faked alias for facebook purposes) managed to get screenshots of the malware going around on facebook with metacafe videos and made a field-day about them. Sure, people not much versed in IT might go all horror of horrors on how come family gentlemen like Manuel Mallia and Stefan Buontempo got videos of porn posted on their facebook profile. But dear Alice, people on the internet know about malware and we all know how facebook is very susceptible.  People who frequent the net know that porn isn’t allowed at all on facebook, and that it only comes up through viruses or malware. That malware in question was something which if I were to find it on my profile and click it, it would automatically appear on the profiles of all my facebook friends. But anyway it’s useless explaining to you because you already knew it all and orchestrated it to appear otherwise. Unfortunately for you DCG, it’s not true that PL voters have a low IQ no matter how much you wish they have.

Then you have the nerve to attack the intelligent and beautiful mayor of Qormi, over nothing else but her choice of make-up.

I understand you, just a little bit there. It must feel bad looking like this:

when the mayor of Qormi, a PL mayor to boot, looks like this:

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Free health care in Malta

Till some months or years ago we had free health-care centres in nearly every town and village of the Maltese and Gozitan islands.

“Free”. But they’re not because every working citizen contributes between 10% and 15% of their wages to sustain this service, whether they use it or not. So all the Maltese Citizens are paying for this service, it’s not something that’s just given for free or as a charity for those who can’t afford to pay.

Those who can pay are lucky, because to avoid the long queues of our national health service they just fork out more money out of their own pockets and do whatever they need to do in a private hospital. But these people still paid 10-15% of their income to sustain this national health service, which they will never use!

Other people are even less lucky. They paid National Insurance for 50 years, that’s 10% of their salary for 50 years. 3 years after retirement they get diagnosed that they need a hip-bone replacement operation. 9 years later, they’re still in the queue for the operation. Now, 9 years later they’re 75 years old. I’m not sure how much a hip replacement op might cost, but I wonder. What if  this lady had saved her money instead of giving it in National Insurance? 10% – 15%  of her wage for over 50 years. Heck she’d probably have enough to pay for not only her own hip but that of a couple of friends as well!

Now let’s go back to the first sentence of this rant of mine.

There’s no longer a free health-care centre in every town and village of the Maltese and Gozitan islands as there was before.

No. Now we’ve only got 3 health care centres which are open 24/7. Mosta, Floriana and Paola. To cater for 450,000 people of Malta.

No health-care for Gozo!

There are some 40,000 other citizens living on the island of Gozo. They don’t have a health centre at all now. What the hell? Are Gozitans second class citizens now? Or has helicopter service been extended so that Gozitans get free transport to one of the 3 functioning health centres in Malta?

Constant information is being propagated that unless one’s situation is very serious and life threatening, one should not go to the general hospitals (of which there is only one in Malta and one in Gozo).

Nice. So some guy would fall from a height and break some bones.
Since it’s not life-threatening he won’t be attended to at hospital. He’d have to get someone to get him to Mosta, Floriana or Paola. (And only God would have to help him if he were in Gozo at the time of the accident.) And then the health centre would obviously refer him to hospital to get further tests done. A couple of days later. And oblivious to the pain suffered.

I think the Government, considering the very sorry state it’s in, should declare an “opt-in, opt-out” NI system.
i.e. if you pay N.I. then you’re entitled to free health-care and pensions, whereas if you don’t then you’re not entitled.

It’s terribly unfair to have everyone forced to pay N.I. in a compulsory manner otherwise they’d be getting penalised for not paying.

Take as an example one pensioner who forked out €3000 for a cataract operation. She was already 70 when she did it, she couldn’t afford waiting for another 10 years as she was told to. She always paid 15% of her income as a self-employed business woman. That results much more than €3000.

What do you think about this?


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Why I’ve taken a (temporary) break from blogging

It’s because I obtained a good shipment of milk, at wholesale price, and am sweating it out working to make ġbejniet. Because, you know, they are expensive.

Joking apart, I took a break because DCG is doing a great job.

I preach to the converted, but she’s preaching to her own ilk. Her own ilk won’t read my blog, but they read hers. Cool.
If they’re intelligent enough to analyse her freudian slips properly.
And even if they’re not, hopefully their much cleverer sub-conscious mind might get that light-bulb moment and analyse it while dreaming. Who knows?

Come on, one day she goes “Ara kemm hu tal-flus Jowzef Muscat ax andu puuwl u andom tuu kars ukoll!!!”

The next day, she criticises him for wearing ‘cheap’ denim trousers, and criticises his wife for wearing ‘cheap rubber rain-boots’ and an ‘unbranded jacket’ during the 10th of March, Local council voting day. *sigh*

Some months earlier, she attempts to downgrade the PL leader saying she spotted him shopping at Primark for bargains at the U.K. sales.

Then she attacks once again by hollering out that she suspects some handbags of the wife of the potential future prime minister might be branded Gucci or Luis Vuitton. Oh, the horror of it all!! X’għarukaza how dare she even go within a meter’s distance from such ‘despicable brands’! Oh, My, God, what a downright scandal!!!


Come on baby, what were you expecting? That the wife of the leader of the opposition party wears some clown outfit by Desigual? Like this one you wear to court?


It’s SEJJJL at Desigwal!!! Ara sidri kemm jinġabar u jidher ippuppat aktar b’dawn il-bwiet fuqhom, tgħidx mhix ser immur inhallas ghal xi operation il-Kapwa!

Oh no heaven forbid!

Jew xi oħra, oh look OMG they’re wearing Burberry checks!!! Those aren’t genuine clothes, they’re clothes they bought off some flea market because they’re chavs!!! Jaħasra x’redneck trid tkun biex lanqas tista’ tiddeciedi jekk ghandekx tattakka lil xi ħadd ghax jilbes tad-ditta Burberry ghax sinjur, jew tattakkaħx ghax fqir. Vera ħawwadni ha nifhmek DCG. And quoting you as you say, “Majtezwel kijjp it app!!!”


U bis-serjeta’ nghidlek, “kijjp it app” DCG. Flok nikteb jien noqghodu nitpaxxew b’li tkun ktibt int.


Proset u grazzi.

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